educational services
We have worked with various clients and partners, e.g Thames Water; Bioregional; Mayor of London's Office; Ashden, to create & deliver educational programmes that suit all ages and abilities.
We can cover all areas of environmental sustainability – water, energy, waste & recycling, air quality and active travel, food and climate change science. Examples of our school programmes include:

Thames Water Educational Water Saving Schools Project
From 2014-19, Thames Water commissioned eco action games, in conjunction with its delivery partner Green Gumption, to carry out a water education and efficiency school project in over 100 schools to date across London. Focusing predominately on primary schools, it also includes secondary schools too.
In brief, the project offered schools, free of charge:
- A giant eco action games water saving themed compendium set
- A water audit by Thames Water engineers to identify any water dispensing equipment – such as urinals, toilets, taps, showers, etc. that were not working efficiently and, where possible, fix them. This resulted schools saving £100s/£1000s on water bills
- Visit to the school by trained expert eco action games educators who ran KS2 assemblies highlighting the importance of water saving to students and staff alike
- A workshop for 12-15 KS2 pupils representing yrs 3-6, or Yrs 7 or 8 in secondaries, who get trained on how to use and facilitate the water saving games. They then become the Water Saving champions for the school and are tasked with helping all the other pupils learn about water saving through playing the games
- Free 4-minute shower timers, pocket sized water saving card games, stickers and a coupon to receive more water saving devices for every student
Mayor of London RE:FIT / Ashden School Energy Saving Challenge
In association with the Mayor of London’s Re:FIT for schools programme, and sponsored by the Ashden awards, we ran an energy saving educational project in 10 schools across an academic year.
Schools received the energy saving in school themed giant eco action games compendium pack and a school assembly that launched the project; as well as an energy audit, lesson plans and a workshop using the games to highlight to children and teachers alike how simple behavioural changes can save energy in their school and reduce their energy and water bills.